When scores of Palestinians were gunned down as they tried to get food in Northern Gaza in February, the news made international headlines. Israeli officials were quick to deflect blame, but all the eyewitness accounts implicated IDF troops in the massacre. All except one mysterious eyewitness on the BBC website. …
Cover image: A supporter of the Valleys Vets strike waves to passing traffic in Cardiff last week
Standing on the side of a busy Merthyr Road in Cardiff, as cars flashed by, around thirty striking veterinary workers and their supporters made their presence known to the passing traffic.
As the Welsh Parliament prepares to mark Ukrainian Holodomor Memorial Day, Philip Colley, the great nephew of Gareth Jones, the Welsh journalist who brought the man-made famine to the world’s attention, argues that truth is being sacrificed on the altar of nationalist interests.
By Philip Colley. Cover image, Gareth Jones,…
As the cost of living crisis is set to wreak havoc into the lives of the very poorest, after more than a decade of welfare cuts and stagnating wages, a woman who runs her own foodbank from her living room spoke to SC Cook about the situation on the ground. …
Dispatches from the front-line in the fight against Islamophobia.
“Ι have been a victim but Ι don't have the victim mentality.” this is Sahar Al-Faifi, molecular geneticist by trade and now one of the UK's most prominent anti-Islamophobia campaigners. she is clear about what she is here to do: “I…